Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What About Love?

So here I am again attempting to get my head together.  One of the many things that has been weighing heavily on my mind is love.  So today I am going to talk about it.

What is love?  
Well Merriam Webster defines love as a (1)  :  strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties <maternal love for a child>  (2)  :  attraction based on sexual desire :  affection and tenderness felt by lovers(3)  :  affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests <love for his old schoolmates>
b  :  an assurance of affection <give her my love>.
Me I think love can be defined as one of the most beautiful and one of the most tragic events in your life in one giant roller coaster of emotions.  I compare it to an amusement ride because we fear it, enjoy the thrill, or even face it just to be brave.  What ever the reason, we all go for a ride of emotions that are full of ups and downs starting off with that big plunge when you fall over that fist drop.
Love is feeling a deeper connection than just companionship or comradely it is an emotion that creeps into your very soul and overthrows your heart and mind.  It's a strange feeling, once you experience it in it's purest form it becomes more like a drug and less like an emotion.  It consumes you and you have thoughts and desires that are alien to your normal self.  When love flows through you it is suddenly not all about you but also about this other person who made their way into your heart.  You begin to change when you fall in love, you become more vulnerable but more importantly you become a part of someone else.  
And becoming part of someone else well that is sometimes the kick in the teeth.  Not everyone you fall in love with is going to love you the same way you love them, or sometimes even love you back at all.  You cannot help who your heart chooses, you can only hope that in the end it all works out.  Love is always there somewhere, whether it's for your family, friends, or that special someone and even when it kicks you in the teeth you will still always long for it.
I truly hope that everyone finds that one true love that you just know the moment you meet, that one that you fight for, that one that makes you feel crazy because there is no better feeling than being in love.

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