Friday, February 19, 2016

Turn It Up!

So today I've decided to write about the only love in my life that has never let me

Why, you may ask, do I love music...well the answer is simple.  In good times and bad times there has always been a song in my heart.  It is the only constant companion that I have had for as long as I can remember.  Music is that one thing that even when the world is falling apart around me it is there to lift me up, share my pain, or just help me to let it all out.

To me music is the best way of remembering moments in life.  When a certain song comes on the radio and you remember a happy moment shared with friends and family, when a song reminds you of someone who is no longer in your life and you shed a tear in remembrance, when that one song that just fits the moment perfectly and it puts into words all the things you cannot say, those are the things that I cherish the most about music.

Music can be a means of escape from the things that are burdening you.  When you listen to a certain song and you feel yourself just get lost in the melody or the poetry of the lyrics if only for a short while you are able to get a small escape.  Music can transport you to that beach on a clear sunny day or take you to a walk in the woods as autumn leaves show you Mother Nature's glory.

Music can take the raw emotions of anger and fear and give you a means to let them out without causing any hurt.

Music can inspire you to create.  It can be the inspiration to write that poem, paint that painting, do the things you've always wanted to do.

Music means so many things to so many people and I could never imagine my world without it, so my lovelies as Skynyrd says "Turn It Up" and let's all enjoy the ride.

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